Let me see Let me see When would I be available? When will I be free? March? September? June? November? Nineteen thirty three? Nineteen thirty four? Thirty five? Thirty six? Never? Never! Never – that is the word I use Never – that is the word I choose Tell him, tell him you really tried Tell him, tell him that really I'd rather die! Never! Never is much too quick Never! He makes me much too sick Let him save his own hateful hide Let him know he's so hateful, I'd rather die! Lily, come back to him! Never, I hear that his failure has been fantastic Lily, come back to him! He might do something drastic Lily, he hasn't a cufflink on which to borrow Lovely! They're taking his theatre away tomorrow Never! That is the word I seek Never! That is the word I shriek! Never – tell him you heard it here Tell him, tell him you heard it clear Tell him if he comes through the door I will trample him through the floor Tell him, tell him I'll strangle him! Tell him, tell him I'm mangle him! Tell him that I - tell him- tell him that I - Go back with him Here's my reply Let me see... I'd rather die! Die! Die!