Not an easily discouraged person Following the current Spiritually undernourished person Click the button on your stopwatch Clock who up to something at your local mom and pop shop Let's hear it for the magi seer At the brainstorm session with a bright idea That all deceiving lies steer clear That knows the reason why we're here An offering from the oft off kilter With the high tech water filter Proud to prefer chill pills to rob and pilfer And poppin pills and downing pilsner And blowin smoke And other boring trope running jokes Same amount of letters in "drown" and "float" There's way more that I have to do than stay brown and croak Drop off a present, say "hi," and bolt Too in the present to buy in bulk Folks Let's make eye contact Get to acting like a icon stat You are Shining star, no fumar I grew up around White Castles like Harold and Kumar I paint pictures with different brushes But no crutches And no rushes Just when it seem like my immense momentum is diminishing I put on the finishing touches Before I got on a roll I used to roll dutches Dudes, wattup duke Dames, wattup dutchess As of lately I have not been using any cusses Previous the evil villain had me in his clutches Whenever I am feeling out of sorts I work on my connection to the source Laws of attraction strengthened by subtraction of useless distraction I am not someone that watch a lotta sports But read a lot I'm in eden I don't really need a lot And off the grid so see you later bots Once I was an addict to the additives in tater tots Somehow sitting pretty in a city in a state of shock I write another line followed by another line Whispers of another life I lived in another time And always getting into some delight I have a home I don't need anyone to underwrite Right You might have seen me on the cover of Life My senses aren't duller under color of night And represent the very forthright That's standing up against the fourth reich Nice Truth is no conclusion's forgone Just know that it is darkest before dawn Holding court before God is important Portland's the capital of Oregon My bad it's Salem Even when I lose I win Cows'll jump the moon before I ever watch the news again I prefer applause but I will never cave to boos again I may get the blues but I will never turn too booze again Point out strengths, not flaws Follow God not laws Water crops, drop jewels Follow God not rules Peace