English - word by word translation Next Year Bashanah Haba'ah - next year ("In the year that will come" if you prefer) Neisheiv - We will sit Al Hamirpeset - on the porch (yes it was written in singular, but "our Porches" would be alright too) V'nispor - and we will count Tziporim - birds Nod'dot - migrating Yeladim - children B'chufsha - on vacation or holiday Y'sachaku - will play Tofeset - catch (game) Bein habayeet - between the house L'vein hasadot - and between the fields (Bein and L'vien: a gramatical difference, sometimes you have a dagesh In the Beit and sometimes you prononce it without as in this case - I Don't know the rule exactly) House was written in singular and Sadot in plural, that is the way Ehud Manor chose to write it. Od - once more, once again Tireh - you will see Kamah - How (much) Tov - good Yih'yeh - it will be Anavim - grapes Adumim - plural for red (no particular shade of red) Yavshilu - will ripen Ad - by (the time) or till, Haerev - the evening V'yugshu - and will be served Tzon'nim - Chilled - I like your interpretation of the "chilled by the Evening air". Lashulchan - to the table V'ruchot - and winds R'dumim - sleepy, slumber, slugish (languid?) Yis'u - will carry Al em haderech - at the crossroads (The word Em comes from Imma but really has no connection to Imma here That I can explain; Al em haderech is an expression) Itonim - newspapers Yeshanim - old K'anan - like a cloud Bashanah Habah - next year... Nifros - we will spread Kapot - the palms (plural - kaf yad means the palm of your hand) Yadayeem - hands Mul - against, across from Ha'or - the light Hanigar - spilled, spilling over Halavan - the white Anafa - heron Levana - White (feminine) Tifros - will spread Ba'or - in the light K'nafayeem- wings V'hashemesh - and the sun Tizrach - will shine Betochan - in them, or through them