10 years that's what he got. Consider what he did that ain't a lot. Out in 6 with good behaviour. Dirty little pervert, he should have been shot. Young enough to be her grandson. Can't imagine what went through his head. He left her emotionally scared. Right to the point where she wished she was dead. He only got 10 years. He got 10 years. He only got 10 years. That ain't enough. Days spent pissing up her pension. Drowning her sorrows since her old man died. His previous, he failed to mention. When he eye'd her up in the pub that night. No sign of his real intension. On the way to her gaf in the cab that night. She thought she'd be safe at home. As he entered her house with a one track mind. He only got 10 years. He got 10 years. He only got 10 years. He's got no worth that we can see. Remove this scum from society. It's a shame that we don't have death row. 'Cause that's where the fucker deserves to go. Remove this scum from society. He claims consent and be pleads not guilty. Shows no remorse as he's stood in the dock. He stole her pride now he'll pay the price. He should have thought of that before he got out his cock! Defence is a contradiction. How can they defend him it's his 4th offence. Remove this scum from society. Remove this scum from society. He only got 10 years. He got 10 years. He only got 10 years. He got 10 years. He only got 10 years. He got 10 years. He only got 10 years. That ain't enough.