Ich brauch den Punkt, Ich brauch den Schlussstrich und You understand this? I need to end this sentence. I need to make my point, Lass mich gehn, ich, Ich brauch das Ende endlich, This is a life sentence. You need to let me, You need to let me go. You need to leave me, So I can leave and let go. I need to finish this, Finish this sentence. Full stop, full stop. Punkt. Aus. Ende. I need to finish this, Finish this sentence. Full stop, full stop. Punkt. Aus. Ende. Lass den Punkt dort stehn, Wag 's nicht Jetzt einfach weiterzuschreiben, Die Geschichte steht da und sie bleibt so. Let me finish the rest Of the present and let me have, Let me have a future without this, A now please. Take these pages And shred them all, Nimm den Schredder und Schredder die Reste, Schredder die Reste vorm Ende. I need to finish this, Finish this sentence. Full stop, full stop. Punkt. Aus. Ende. I need to finish this, Finish this sentence. Full stop, full stop. Punkt. Aus. Ende. ♪ I need to finish this, Finish this sentence. Full stop, full stop. Punkt. Aus. Ende. I need to finish this, Finish this sentence.