Oh dear, what a to-do The orphan child is stuck in the flue We've pushed him and pulled him but all with no luck He's well and truly stuck The sweep said "Oh not again I must be overfeeding them We'll just light a fire to drive him up higher He'll soon wriggle free when he's hot" Oh dear, the room's full of smoke Open the window before we all choke He hasn't moved, but something's improved His screaming and sobbing has stopped The sweep looked up the chimney Little charred legs was all he could see "I know how to fix this, get another apprentice Go up and drag the dead one free" I need A clean sweep So they sent to the workhouse for another small child The parish obliged, all handshakes and smiles He pulled out the dead one, went back up to sweep He hasn't been seen for a week Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep Clean sweep