Well fuck the smokeing ban I say Lets smoke another Ive been smokeing half my life thats why my voice is fucked up Still i dont regret it though Ill roll another fag Im sure that how i treat myself's got nothing to do with them And a pint without a cigarette Is like bread withiout butter But butter gives you heart attacks so you might aswell no bother I wont smoke in the library or even on the bus But for fucks sake Please Let me have one in the pub Well the land lord knows its coming, Its just a case of days The next time you spark one up they'll nick you straight away And the only way out is quitting So that's what you'll have to do But someone else is forcing their opinions on you And a shag without a cigarette is like barbie with out ken If the sex is really good i like to smoke a marlboro red I wont smoke in the libray or even on the bus But for fuck sake, Please Let me have one in the pub So now the pubs just smell of sweat and stale old beer Without the smoke this place has lost is atmosphere The government Have had their wicked way Again We just have to wonder What they will ban next