Say hello to the kids you meet In your new hometown Drawme a line if you have a minute Give me a call if you're free somehow Say hello to the friends you make In your brand new school Tell 'em from me there's no hard feelings I just wanted what's best for you And I was born in a little house With the voice of god spilling out of my mouth Say hello to the kids you see Waiting for the bus Save your pennies Tip the driver Promise you won't ever forget about us Say goodbye to those quiet nights Sitting on the couch Shooting shit and watching movies Cause nobody's coming to save you now And I was born in a little house With the voice of god spilling out of my mouth A basket brimming with apples and grapes And a lover made out of paper mache She says, "Do what I say and I'll do what you say" Do what I say and I'll do what you say Say hello to the boys you kiss When you turn 16 Show 'em what you're made of kid And give them hell for me