I have called you with a whisper, every day I am the same Before time and space I loved you and established your name I pulled you from the sadness, and washed you in my love I've gone the path before you. It is safe for you to run - Safe for you to run My gracious hand is upon you, walk in peace – courageous peace My mighty hand goes before you, walk in peace I give you peace, I give you peace I knit your bones together, and caused your heart to beat How could any other know you better than me? No thief could ever snatch you from the palm of my hand I set all things in motion, that is who I am – That Is who I am My gracious hand is upon you, walk in peace – courageous peace My mighty hand goes before you, walk in peace I give you peace, I give you peace From the highest mountain peak - to the deepest sea There's nothing in this world beyond my reach I spoke the stars, and I formed your heart I'm the only one who knows exactly who you are And I will not let you go, when the waters seem to rise Oh my sons and my daughters, you are precious in my sight Someday we'll meet in glory, and it'll all make better sense You're a piece of a bigger story. I'll see you through the end You're a piece of a bigger story – Mmmm You're a piece of a bigger story - Amen