The sky had rustled red The birds grew quiet and fell The day no longer turned Night fell on the world The river ran murky with poison The land was desolate and black The bees had left the valley The orchards were hacked down The huts and castles were deserted The dusty roads were crowded In another direction I ran Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Descended into the otherworld Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Into dark death in Manala's stream I dove I was carried by the rapids And my blood began to rush Then the river turned into a vein The vein into a crimson hall And on its walls flickered the pictures Of your world, eternally dancing The hall pealed and rumble Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Descended into the otherworld Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Into dark death in Manala's stream I dove And on its walls flickered the pictures Of your world, eternally dancing The hall pealed and rumble For deep down in the mountain of time They painted out our lives Songs of triumph silenced Faded and died Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Descended into the otherworld Through a deep crack in the Mountain I slipped Into dark death in Manala's stream I dove Manala's stream I dove