"What are you going to do with all that baby wanting?" you said "Maybe you can get it out when you go and see the newborn twins" And now I'm sitting on the plane stewing in my baby wanting Thinking how it first came over me in 2011 Maren was born, much to the shock of my mother And I walked in by her crib where she slept breathing, silent, fast And now I feel this kinship with everyone who has a baby Total strangers, who probably call on God and the only thing they ask Is to be free of girls like me and our baby wanting What am I going to do with all this baby wanting? Do I think I could go through childbirth? I can't survive my monthly cramps And yes, I do cry consistently whenever I'm watching Call the Midwife And maybe I desperately want children, or maybe I'm very sentimental And I don't mean to say that I think having children is easy, or not exhausting And that has been my experience, especially with other people's kids And also with Maren, who, granted, means more to me than most people and most things Because Maren taught me about shock and wonder and how overwhelming love can be And how I can love a person more than anything in the world And that's the feeling there that feeds my baby wanting