The people that walk in darkness have seen, have seen a great light. And on those who dwell in endless gloom, a light has shone. For a Child is born this day: Rejoice, rejoice. Daughter of Zion, awake. The glory of God is born. And they shall name Him counselor, shall call Him mighty God. And He shall rule from age to age: Prince of Peace. For a Child is born this day: Rejoice, rejoice. Daughter of Zion, awake. The glory of God is born. Darkness covers the earth; thick clouds govern its pe0ple. But the Lord will bring them light; the Lord will bring them light. For a Child is born this day: Rejoice, rejoice. Daughter of Zion, awake. The glory of God is born. The people that walk in darkness have seen, have seen a great light. And on those who dwell in endless gloom, a light has shone. For a Child is born this day: Rejoice, rejoice. Daughter of Zion, awake. The glory of God is born.