Sweet rivers of mercy are beckoning me To leave the comforts of shore; To wade in forgiveness, wash up with grace, Be cleansed forever more, be cleansed forevermore. God's love like a spring in the wilderness flows An unexpected relief For ev'ry despairing, withering soul Who comes to kneel and drink, who comes to kneel and Drink. Streams of pardon, fresh and free; Source, Most Holy O taste and see! Lord knows how we long for a sip from the well, Afraid of praying for more, While pools of compassion, oceans of peace, Lie right outside our door, all faithfully ignored. Streams of pardon, fresh and free; Source, Most Holy O taste and see! Sweet rivers of mercy are beckoning me To leave the comforts of shore; Come wade in forgiveness, wash up with grace, And praise God evermore, praise God forevermore!