O i found grace, at the foot of a rugged cross on Calvary. I found grace, grace with the awesome power to set the Captive free. I found grace, sustaining grace I found grace, redeeming grace Yes i found grace, fulfiling, indwelling grace, his Loving grace Yes i found grace, amazing grace to meet my need. I sought for wisdom in the ways of this world But no wisdom could be found. I sought for meaning in the words of great men But their words just let me down. Not seeking justice for the things that i'd done My soul needed mercy and i found it in god's son. Give up the search, it's a useless dream your chasing. You'll find no peace until you seek his face The answers right before you at the foot of the cross You'll find that it's a holy place. Confess your sins and lay them all down. Pick up your cross and let jesus turn your life around