Are these fucking people kidding me?? We dunno how to take care of our selves yet . We haven't learned how to care for one another . We're gonna save the fucking planet?? Leave nature alone . Haven't we done enough?? There's nothing wrong with the planet . Nothing wrong with the planet . The planet is fine . The planet is fine . The people are fucked! The planet has been through lot more than us . Been through all kinds of things than us Been through earthquake volcanoes latetiptones cardianol gemstones flair sunspot magnetic force the magnetic reversal under the poles Hundreds of thousands of year's our projects The comets the asteroid and meteor the white pulses tidal wave and the fires explosion ice ages . and we think some plastic bags ... The planet isn't going anywhere . We are ... going away! Pack your shit folks, wer gone away . gone away, gone away . Planet Is fine, planet is fine, planet is fine . The people are fucked . fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked fucked The people are fucked!!