The Kelly criterion is a Very popularized mathematical formulation Of a simple concept And the simple concept is Don't risk everything Stay outta jail Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Avoid ruin Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't bet everything on one big gamble Just be very careful how much you bet each time So you don't lose the whole kitty The Kelly criterion mathematically formulates If you're a gambler Even when you have an edge How much should you gamble per hand Even when you have an edge, you can still lose Let's say you have a 51-49 edge Every gambler knows not to bet the whole kitty On that 51-49 edge You'd just lose everything And you don't get to come back to the average Don't risk everything Stay outta jail Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Avoid ruin Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Ergodicity, what is true For a hundred people on average Isn't the same as one person Averaging that same thing a hundred times The easiest way to see that Is by playing Russian roulette Six people play Russian roulette once each Each winner gets a billion dollars One person ends up dead Five people have a billion dollars Versus one person Who plays Russian roulette With the same one gun - six times Is never gonna end up a billionaire He's gonna end up worth zero Don't risk everything Stay outta jail Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Avoid ruin Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything And so, risk-taking Especially when the averages Are calculated across large populations Is not always rational The Kelly criterion helps you avoid Ruin The number-one way in which people get ruined In modern business Is not by betting too much But it's by cutting corners And doing unethical things Or downright illegal things Ending up in an orange jumpsuit in prison Or having your reputation ruined Is the same as getting wiped to zero So never do those things Never do those things Don't risk everything Stay outta jail Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Avoid ruin Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Stay outta jail Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything Don't risk everything Avoid ruin Don't risk everything 'Cause you could just lose everything