Look at the sunset It's blazing red You can see a stage on the horizon The sparkling sea I should give you a reward It's dancing from dawn to dusk ♪ 夏の髪は糸通し 木漏れ日の肌触り 暮れた空には花びら 君がくれた花火は まだ置き去りのまま 三日月と花 夏の髪は糸通し 木漏れ日の肌触り 夏の空には浮かんで 思い出には浸るの 置き去りのまま 星空に花 Look at the sunset It's blazing red You can see a stage on the horizon The sparkling sea I should give you a reward It's dancing from dawn to dusk 海だって奏でる 朝から晩まで ご出演いただき ありがとうございます 水平線はステージ そこは夕日のワンマンショー ♪ Look at the sunset It's blazing red You can see a stage on the horizon The sparkling sea I should give you a reward It's dancing from dawn to dusk ♪ Look at the sunset It's blazing red You can see a stage on the horizon The sparkling sea I should give you a reward It's dancing from dawn to dusk, to dusk ♪ Look at the sunset It's blazing red You can see a stage on the horizon The sparkling sea I should give you a reward It's dancing from dawn to dusk