Somebody deep in the circuit once said to me With a wise wink of their eye That if it doesn't need fixing Break it But imagine being lectured by bands like ours that do nothing Songwriters who can't sing Programmers who won't dance A certain guile time-stretched in derivative style Makes love to all but'll end up loving none And that it all gets written off about after In perfect bound magazines that can't write By freelancers who can't afford to drink like they did Hey what are your tips, what are your tips Should I go into coalition with the sun Plagiarize bodies in the backs of Uber pools Abandon the campus novel, turn in at nine Fly through windows into schools of anatomy I wish to unwrite every stolen verb And see it still exists a full poem And unsettle for every unpaid word ♪ They don't love you, they don't love me We don't look like a local, a local God They don't love you, they don't love me We don't look like a local, a local God A local, a local, a local, a local, a local, a local We don't look like a local God ♪ I am going into coalition with the sun Plagiarized bodies in the backs of Uber pools Abandoned the campus novel, turn in at nine Fly through windows into schools of anatomy