Life is short. I'm sure you've heard someone say that before but it's true. Life is unbelievably short. I could go on and on making metaphors about how short life is like Comparing life to a leaf blowing in the wind or something, But I thing that's kind of dumb, And ironically, I don't have enough time to do that. Instead, I'm going to talk about death. Solely because I think that's what scares People the most about life's short existence. For some reason, death frightens us to no end. Maybe it's the unknown factor of what Happens when we die or what it feels like. All of that. But, in reality, death is our destined fate. Every person that has ever existed before You and I has either died or is going to. That may sound depressing at first but without knowing That fact, we really wouldn't know we're alive right now. We wouldn't know the purpose of our beating heart or our lungs Breathing air that's somehow Magical mixed perfectly for us to consume. You see, underneath it all, death gives us life. Death is what separates humans from just existing. Because of death, we know that life ends at one point. We know that we have things left to do until then. A bucket list. We want to make things, we want to fall in love, We want to go to strange places, we want to laugh and cry, And make friends, and learn new things, and start projects, And watch fireworks, and go to concerts, and watch movies, And have good talks, and climb stuff, And eat amazing food, and watch horror movies, and live... Our lives. Death in a way shows us that we have a purpose. Every single one of us. And for some people, This end point is closer than others But that ultimately doesn't mean anything. If you're listen to me right now, you are alive. You are currently somewhere in that short amount of time That each and one of us is destined to be and on this planet. And you have passions and love things and you have senses and Beliefs and friends and family and favorite movies and everything. This is the only time you have to be alive. What happens after this is completely unknown. Life is simply just an unbelievably Amazing and ironic birthday present. So with that time you have left here on earth, Do what you love and never stop doing That because there's no time to waste.