Don't let them tell you how you should be Be yourself and be free If somebody wants to show you the way Think about it, even if it's just for a day Don't be afraid and don't be a fool You're not just somebody's tool Don't be too shy to say something else Just try it out and see how it feels Close your eyes and try to walk on Close your ears and listen to your heart Keep your hands off and just feel it Don't only try to see with your eyes (Sometimes eyes don't see all) Don't only try to hear with your ears (Sometimes ears don't hear all) Don't only try to smell with your nose (Sometimes noses can't smell all) Don't only try to feel with your hands (And sometimes hands can't feel all) Don't let them take away your dreams Be yourself and live them Don't be afraid to go alone You can always go back home Close your eyes and try to walk on Close your ears and listen to your heart Keep your hands off and just feel it Don't only try to see with your eyes (Sometimes eyes don't see all) Don't only try to hear with your ears (Sometimes ears don't hear all) Don't only try to smell with your nose (Sometimes noses can't smell all) Don't only try to feel with your fucking hands (And sometimes hands can't feel all) Ooooooh Go