Close your eyes Gaze into your inner sky Bring your awareness to your spine Begin between the eyes And take a deep breath in As you breathe out, slither like a serpent down the spine Until you arrive behind your navel Now that you're at the navel See the velvety serenity of infinite space Within your belly Then at the center of your night sky See yourself seated within a green orb As you breathe in, the sphere around you expands As you breathe out, it contracts As you breathe in, it expands As you breathe out, it contracts Breathe in Breathe out As you breathe in Mentally intone SA As you breathe out Mentally intone HAM Watching the sphere expand and contract With each and every breath Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in Breathe out Steady Take a deep breath in As you breathe out, watch the green sphere contract Until it's just a little dot Let that dot extend into a serpent That slithers up your spine Until it arrives behind your Heart See yourself again Suspended within infinite space Surrounded now by a golden sphere As you breathe in The sphere expands As you breathe out The sphere contracts As you breathe in Intone SA As you breathe out Intone HAM Witness yourself Amidst the backdrop Of your cosmic consciousness Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in Breathe out Take a deep breath in And as you breathe out Watch the golden sphere Contract into a dot Which then extends into a serpent That slithers up your spine To the center of your skull See yourself now Within a white sphere As you breathe in, the sphere expands As you breathe out, the sphere contracts Breathing in Intoning SA Breathing out Intoning HAM Breathe in Breathe out Breathe in Breathe out Witness yourself Amidst the starry serenity Of your inner space Your skull is your temple Housing your entire universe And now Take a deep breath in Watching the sphere expand And as you breathe out Watch it contract Into a little dot Which turns into a serpent That slithers in the shape of a circle Biting its own tail Gaze at yourself At the center of your Ouroboros And now Visualize A brilliant Sun Above the top of your skull And watch yourself Within your serpentine chariot Ascending higher Up past your head And up into the Sun Merge with the Sun And gaze into the limitless light Do nothing Be nothing... but the limitless light