What can I say It's a mess You can see the reflections in the water when you follow my eyes And I'm sorry for the trouble Out of the blue But I mean What can we do when there's no option left than to take it outside Outside our homes And then out on the river And onto a boat Just to spell it is hard So don't ask me to Cause it could make a scene and then shake up the day just for fun Or maybe not Maybe fade to black Maybe we forget All this confessions we made under pressure Yes, maybe it's simple But just don't say "easy" And don't tell me what to do What to do with my name I'll take it out to shine Shine a light on other names All this confessions we made under pressure Yes, maybe it's simple But... So say that again You made it with your hands What can I say It's a mess You can see the reflections in the water when you follow my eyes And I'm sorry for the trouble Out of the blue But there's no option left than to take it outside Oh my!