As if through a web of obsidian silk My sight returns as from a dream A dream empty of thoughts and sounds and visions And I remember it being one of the most beautiful places I had ever been I had never before that point known such peace A winter for the spirit, I was harvested of essence A place of endless solace placating this soul's corroded ruins Bereft of flesh, divorced of earth, severed of being And now I can drift once again but soaring free I can look down upon all I once know - all I once was And see with the cold, crystalline clarity of the dead Through eyes unmisted, a mind unfogged, free of the oppressive weight Of the cathedral's dead stone Of this body's withered flesh Of this mind's shattered synapses I didn't think such a quiet was possible That the relentless roil of rage and despair thrumming like lava through me Could be extinguished And given over to a plateau of calm stillness I embrace this season of ending With every fiber of my departing consciousness Frozen and eternal A winter for the soul carried on oblivion's ghostly breath One last final exhortation To the violent winds that rend and rend and rend and rend I surrender I descend I dissolve I end.