Wish I could give you everything I'd like to give If only I could see you every day Promise you I will be there for you unconditionally Forever grateful Nothing I could say or do would do justice to what I think of you The loudest one around Sheer joy makes your pure voice sound like music cut to perfection Tender arms reach for affection I like to keep you close, as close as I possibly can I know some days you won't be near I fully realize that I will miss a part of you growing up I'll have to find a way to let you go every time Just one more thing I'm sorry for the fragmented life you'll be in There will be different places to call your own May the one where you're staying always be home Curly hair all over your pillow Sometimes I just watch you for a while I always know you'll be in my heart wherever you go Someday spread your wings, you'll grow So proud of you, I'm forever grateful For Tony