My mother's crying at the kitchen table Saying look how far you've come One day the lattice in my left eye Will block out the morning sun There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from Because I remember building models With my dad when I was young At night he'd sing me Pony Boy Like I was really Born to Run There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from Because Jesse died and four years ran by me I haven't changed a bit I like to think that I've done a lot here But I don't think I did There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from There's thing's I've lived with There's thing's I've learned from So let me end this rightfully The way I always wanted to With imperfections and honesty No final checkmate move Look around you he said There's no prophet in earth's long chronicle Who's not honored here today Whatever form you spoke of You were right Who's on your boat I am become a carrion monster Love is an action My silent assassin Maybe it's today or maybe it's tomorrow Or maybe it's ninety-three in a nursing home But I've got a feeling it's all going to be perfect Because the truth is I could be decades gone Or I could be four states away Or I could be eighteen galaxies over But I'll find my way back to you And you will always be with me Look out across the horizon Breathe deep Forgive yourself And then repeat What a brother What a language