We sigh for the child slaves, dread the pains of the new Their raking sorrows are many, their joys are few None are singing, none are dancing Hearts breaking, none entrancing Welcome the good soldiers and welcome the true Daylight is unhappiness, their sad evening is near Their sun of brightness has set, yet no stars shall appear None are singing, none are dancing All in sorrow, none entrancing They wait for the dawn of a glad new year And the trees of life shall wither, the sparks of life shall fall Sorrow still should come and death will horribly call All is alarming, all are in grieving And the rebel hearts deceiving And hope comforts all This tale of war shall be Told and the thunder of cannon sung The storming of rebel lines broken, their formation unstrung The battles' roar alarming, the horrors leave us grieving Child slaves will feel joy when the rebels shall be flung With child freedom coming, new tree spring from the old And peaceful times blossoming leaves unfold All will be cheering, all childish hearts gladdening Vivian Wickey shall fall, when the rebellion goes down The storm of war shall be over And the trees laden with fruits as of old