Wee Willie John McFadden was a loyal Ulster Prod Who thought that Ian Paisley was one step down from God He scorned the little children In the back streets of Ardoyne And he thought that history started with the Battle Of The Boyne He thought that history started with the Battle Of The Boyne One day he took a brick in his hand and he dandered up the Falls He was mutterin' "Up The Rangers" and hummin' "Derry's Walls" He broke the big shop window To annoy the Pope of Rome He took a record player out and then he started home! He took a record player out and then he started home! Next night he had a hooley in the local Orange Hall Wee Willie took his player to make music for the ball He chose a stack of records of a very loyal kind But when the music started up he nearly lost his mind! But when the music started up he nearly lost his mind! The Fenian Record Player was a rebel to the core It played the songs the Orange Hall had never heard before For "Golly's Brae" and "Derry's Walls" it did not give a fig It speeded up "God Save The Queen" 'till it sounded like a jig! It speeded up "God Save The Queen" 'till it sounded like a jig! Well, the boys were plain demented To the ground Wee Will was thrown They kicked his ribs in one by one to the tune of Garryowen They threw him out the window to a song of Old Sinn Féin They kicked him all down Sandy Row to a Nation Once Again! They kicked him all down Sandy Row to a Nation Once Again! There's a moral to this story What it is I cannot say Oh, maybe its the ancient verse Crime it will not pay If you ask Wee Willie McFadden he'll say "Ah crime be blowed!" If you want to pinch a record player do it up the Shankill Road! If you want to pinch a record player do it up the Shankill Road!