Animation vs Anything Megumin Versus Ralsei Draw! Once upon a time, a legend was whispered Of a land filled with demons and magic and wizards! Where a human, a goddess, and a noble from the dark Depart on a quest to be this kid's babysitter! Only kidding of course, traveler, I'm not your foe! I do recall the Beardly as a big fan of your show! (True!) Though with that raunchy script, it must've been quite the test I can tell your voice actors, (Err) tried their very best? Aww, that's a cute costume, what'd you get it for? Our release has passed, it's not Halloween anymore Now I'm not judging, I know your family's plenty poor But I'm pretty sure sharing baths ain't what friends are for Kazuma! This clown's tryna start with Axel's crowd 'Boutta bomb his Castle Town as my target practice grounds I would skip the introduction but my name can be announced fine Unlike yours, the viewers know how to pronounce mine! My name is Megumin! Better flee, Whimsun Crimson Demon leaving bleaters bleeding deep crimson Battling me is a death wish, I'm no pacifist! This Darkner's like Darkness: both masochists The second you dropped the cloak, you showed your dubious side But if you don't want the smoke, then put the doobie aside You're always the weakest link, this wuss is too meek to fight We conquered the Demon King, you couldn't defeat a Knight Was that her only shot? It looks like now she's tired This baby sucks! Ralsei, go and Pacify her! Susie, she's already been recruited! Heh, Hardly! This would be the first time she's been invited to a party! They call you a wizard? Even I know more magic! Why don't you cast a spell that you don't know and watch what happens? Or just SPARE us you ACT 'cause when paired on a track You can call us Kazuma Heh, we carried your ass! (SUSIE!) (Megumin! I thought I was your battle rap rival!) Yunyun, relax, that's just a prince and his disciple (This tutorial geek is preaching to kids he just met?) Yeah, right? What kinda teacher has no subjects! (The prince is a match, I bet he's really a Lightner) Looks like Ralsei and Asriel are both serial liares When we conjure explosion (with teamwork together!) You will be the third Dreemurr to leave Kris forever