ハロー・ドーリー、おかえりドーリー 信じて待っていたのよ あのときから変らずに あたしは待っていたの ほんとよ 夜になるとあの頃の想い出のうたをきいたの コートをぬいでおすわりなさい どうぞ もうどこにも行かないで Hello, Dolly, well hello, Dolly It's so nice to have you back Where you belong You're looking swell, Dolly We can tell, Dolly You're still glowin', you're still crowin' You're goin' strong We feel the room swayin' For the band's plain' One of your old favorite songs from way Back when So take her wrap fellas, Find her an empty lap fellas Dolly'll never go away Dolly'll never go away Dolly'll never go away again!