Four men in a phone box They're counting out Bare shots The bounty's a sharecrop or someone get chop chopped Someone get nut-jobbed Someone get done John And Jimmy's at Max's the girls on the mattress I had to move fast track I'm living in flashback it's how we do the Jack, Jack, do the Jack, Jack Fee-fi-fofum smell the blood of an Englishman ♪ On the esplanade I only took my self high and away So did I let you down Will all top boys and all top dogs bow down Four men in a phone box They are counting out Bare shots The bounty's a sharecrop or someone get chop, chopped Someone get nut jobbed Someone get done John And Jimmy's at Max's the girls on a mattress I had to move fast track it's how we do the Jack, Jack Living in flashback, living in flashback Wherever you go, you go, I go On the boulevard I only take my self, high and away So do I let you down Will all top boys and all top dogs bow down? Hold the door, hold on, hold on On the esplanade I only take my self high and away Do I let you down All top boys and all top dogs bow down Hold the door, hold on, hold on