Debussy: Pelleas Et Melisande (Singher, Sayao, Kipnis) (1945) şarkı sözleri

albüm Bidu Sayão   ·  38 parçalar

1998 yıl

  1. 11

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene IV: Ils s'embrassent

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  2. 11

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I: Introduction

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  3. 22

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene I: Ou vas-tu?

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  4. 22

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene I: Je ne pourrai plus sortir de cette foret

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  5. 33

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene I: Pourquoi pleures-tu?

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  6. 33

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene II: Maintenant que le pere de Pelleas

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  7. 44

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene II: Pelleas part ce soir

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  8. 44

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene I: Je suis perdu aussi

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  9. 55

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene II: Voici ce qu'il ecrit a son frere

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  10. 55

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene II: Ne mettez pas ainsi la main a la gorge

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  11. 66

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene II: Qu'en dites vous?

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  12. 66

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV: Interlude

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  13. 77

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I: Interlude

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  14. 77

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene III: C'est le dernier soir

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  15. 88

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene III: Il fait sombre dans les jardins

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  16. 88

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene III: Nous sommes venus ici il y a bien longtemps

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  17. 99

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene III: On dirait que ta voix

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  18. 99

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act I, Scene III: Hoe! Hisse! Hoe!

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  19. 1010

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act IV, Scene III: Quel est ce bruit?

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  20. 1010

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act II, Scene I: Vous ne savez pas ou je vous ai menee

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  21. 1111

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Ce n'est pas de cette petite blessure'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  22. 1111

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act II, Scene I: C'est au bord d'une fontaine

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  23. 1212

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Attention, je crois qu'elle s'eveille'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  24. 1212

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act II: Interlude

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  25. 1313

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act II, Scene II: Ah! Ah! Tout va bien

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  26. 1313

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Melisande, as-tu pitie de moi?'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  27. 1414

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act II, Scene II: Voyons donnez moi ta main

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  28. 1414

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Non, non, nous n'avons pas ete coupables'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  29. 1515

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Qu'avez-vous fait?'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  30. 1515

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene I: Mes longs cheveux

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  31. 1616

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene I: Je les tiens dans les mains

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  32. 1616

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Qu'y a-t-il?'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  33. 1717

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act V: 'Attention, attention'

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  34. 1717

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene I: Que faites-vous ici?

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  35. 1818

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene II: Prenez garde: Par ici, par ici

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  36. 1919

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene III: Ah! Je respire enfin!

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  37. 2020

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III: Interlude

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle
  38. 2121

    Pelleas et Melisande (Pelleas and Melisande), Act III, Scene IV: Viens, nous allons nous asseoir ici

    Claude Debussy, Alexander Kipnis, Bidu Sayu00e3o, Martial Singher, Lawrence Tibbett, New York Metropolitan Opera Chorus, New York Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Emil Cooper

    Metin ekle

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