History has fallen, and the gates of Eden Are closed again From creation to eternity; the spiritual war For the souls of men For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, But against principalities, and powers and The rulers of the darkness of this age Behold its legacy, its destiny turns And there is war in heaven, hell on earth Behold the great red dragon, that ancient serpent Who is called the devil and Satan; He who deceived the world Behold the fallen angel, the father of lies, The accuser of the brethren stands before them Day and night How you are fallen from heaven, "O Lucifer, Son of the mornin " How you are cut down To the ground, you who weakened the nations Behold, the great red dragon crawls Arm yourself in the name of God Behold, the dawn of Satan calls, Until, the prince of darkness falls "Woe to the earth, woe to them; The devil has come down to you again, In great wrath, for his time nears the end Time nears the end