Drowinig in sorrow, obscured in mist Centuries torment, torture persist Destiny'scold hand grasping in vain Building new order from the past's pain Republic born of pain Nation will rise again Master of the fate of millions battle ready for the fight Never to retreat Will to freedom rolling onward war machine of deadly might Never will defeat For our proud new nation we lay our souls to rest For our sacred vision invaders lives we quell For our sovereign country We face the martyrs'test For our piece of heaven We storm the halls of hell 氣勢拼山河 石獅嘛喝振動 意志撼天地 虎爺嘛來護航 苗生衝雲頂 文毅鬥武藝 義理堂堂 天理昭昭 歷史明黑白 Drowning in poison, haunted by fear Centuries torment, trauma severe Destiny's cold hand reaching through time Building new order from the past's crimes Republic born of pain Nation will rise again Republic born of pain Nation will rise again