'Round The world in a day No rain on this parade Better keep to the side I'll let nothing get in my way Turning left and away Leaving the hurting bay Darling I'm so sorry That I had to leave you today A belief is not the truth But I believe I can make it through Escaping bitterness Toward the orange and red Heading to the west Has gotten to my head To my head Nothing's more or less true Just farther away from you Going to the west Is me trying my best Gotta get away from you The grieving that I'd turned to Gotta do what I can do To open up a new Heading for the west Naked or overdressed Put life to the test Crying on request Going to the west God, I feel blessed Going to join the rest Heading for the west Even if it means Put life to the test I'll go down with the rest Going to the west Never be the same Going to join the rest Round The world in a day No rain on this parade Better keep to the side I'll let nothing get in my way Heading left and away Yeah I'm coming to play Who knows if I'll ever find Somewhere I wanna stay