Ooh Ahh I see you're frustrated You made about 100 songs so far and It kinda sucks that no one cares No one No one cares Look all I'm saying though is um it takes time Everything takes time Time patience Just you know take your time with it Also not everyone's gonna like your stuff so But as long as you're proud of it That's all that really matters As long as you like it I mean that doesn't mean you should put out garbage But you know like be yourself As long as you enjoy it that should be enough But you know take it one step at a time Nothing comes quick Everything worth it is not gonna come easy so You know people believe in you A lot of people believe in you so That's crazy if you don't believe in yourself You can't be in your head so much Don't be so negative You know believe in yourself a little bit Be proud And um yeah that will happen Take your time Hey man Just checking in Making sure you're doing alright I know you're busy Just take it a little bit at a time you'll be alright Slow it down Alright talk to you later