Best of times, worst of all Best of times, worst of times Worst of all, best of times Worst of all Best of times, worst of all, worst Was the best of times Worst of all, best of times Worst of all Best of times, worst of all Best of times, worst of all It's the best of times Worst of all, best of times It's the worst of times Worst of all, best of times Was the best of times Worst of all Yesterday was the worst of times Yesterday was the worst enough Was the worst of times Best of all, worst of times Was the best of all Worst of times Yesterday was the best of times Yesterday, best of times Was the worst of all Best of times, best of all Was the worst of times It was the worst of all It was the best of times It was the worst of all It was the best of times We give and we give and And we take and we taken and And we give and we give and We take and we take We give and we give and We take what we give We take and we take We take and we give We take and we give We take as we give and See yesterday See yesterday