Bitten by a spring bug It gets me every time This year I'm on my own And the buzz is all mine When it starts getting fun Its poison makes my blood rush Past lives walk by and I blush They ask to sit I try leaving fast enough to outrun them Remember that's a bad plan Their thing, not mine I can't decline ♪ Stay just a little longer Don't be none the wiser And hey, as long as you don't keep me up at night It's easy You can have one on me Stay just a little longer Don't be none the wiser And hey, as long as you don't keep me up at night It's easy You can have one on me Tell me "That's right: It all counts The evasions Every procrastination After all" Run down the same streets I did last time it bit me And time would act all funny And I'd stand so still For all its pauses Time will buckle down and pass me This spring's already a memory And I should leave Until I go Stay just a little longer So that I could never Say, "I could live without you" Now all that I want to do is within you Stay just a little longer So that I could never Say, "I could live without you" Now all that I want to do is within you