-It ain't no use, I'm running like a pig; Hiding all above me, Over again. Her eyes shutted, She fell, The ground, The bees, They flew. Like a butterfly diying, Dancing alone. How can explain The time we spent? I can see it in your eyes. How can explain The time we spent? Living in each other's eyes. -One day without shoes, Floating like a leaf Hiding all above me, Over and over again. Her eyes shutted, She fell, The ground, The bees, They flew. Like a butterfly diying, Drifting alone. How can explain The time we spent? I can see it in your eyes. How can explain The time we spent? Living in each other's eyes. My eyes shutted, I fell; The ground, The bees, They flew. Like a butterfly diying, Drifting alone. -How can explain The time we spent? I can see it in your eyes. How can explain The time we spent? Living in each other's eyes. How can explain The time we spent? I can see it in your eyes. How can explain The time we spent? Living in each other's eyes...