Deep in the heart of this island lies a species quite far from the norm! It's grotesque and it reeks, but it's big puffy cheeks gives away it's an Alola Form! Down near the beach there's a creature with a neck sprouting tall as a tree! It's both awkward and wierd, but it only appeared on this island so 'Lola for me! 1: Come Alola Alola I know that I've already Told Ya. to Alola! Alola! Alola form for me! (Spoken Lines) 2: Once this was purple and gooey. Now it eats people's trash and turns green! Once this dug in the ground. now it's cold all around, all Alola! You know what I Mean? This one was burning and firey. and see this one was pale furred and fair! This one changed more than most by becoming a ghost and I'm not sure whats up with this hair. 2: But Alola Alola, I won't accept no cause I know Ya, can Alola Alola, Alola Form . For me! (More Spoken Lines) End.