So last week I wuz out drinking again And I gut a gurl guys Fuckin' hot but annoying as pain And I couldn't stop staring at her ass So ya know thangs gut outta hands pretty fast I gut a gurl who always whine I gut a gurl who's drunk on wine I gut a gurl her throat feels fine I gut a gurl our loves entwined I gut a gurl forever mine I gut a gurl covered in slime So this bitch started to snort her stuff And started yelling and wouldn't shut the fuck up And I wuz like dude seriously wtf? So I decided it wuz time to stop her cluck I gut a gurl until she dies I gut a gurl her innards fly Dismemberment will take a while I gut a gurl I broke her spine I gut a gurl her bones I grind I gut a gurl with tools that shine And man when she realized her fate Dying for like 10 minutes straight Spewing shit and gore from every holes in her face Oh great now I gotta burn this fuckin' place down I gut a gurl who's fuckin' high I gut a gurl who crossed the line I gut a gurl who's out of time I gut a gurl I'm outta mind I gut a gurl this is my crime I gut a gurl I'll serve my time And I will be out in no time Mwouhahahaha