I went to Christian summer camp When I was just a kid It took work but I finally repressed Half the crazy shit we did We learned about everything From creation to the end of time Grew to hate our bodies, brains, and other places where the devil hides It makes me feel crazy now But it reminds me how I just wanted to fit in I didn't want to be left out So I ditched my doubts And became a believer Born again It felt real back then Crying in that dusty chapel What I assume was God Cutting through me like a scalpel I'd give anything to feel that right now ♪ A few years after summer camp I accidentally fell in love I started racing to the fiery end That happens when your too damn young Cold nights and northern stars Talking through the live we'd live Making plans just real enough To forget that we were just still kids It makes me feel lucky now Cause it reminds me how I finally fit in But I never sit around and doubt The way it all played out Is different than the way it should have been It felt real back then Crying in my parent's Chevy After I drove you home Knowing that you'd live without me And wondering who to turn to now ♪ The summer after we grew apart I drove to the place where we met Then just like Christian summer camp I never went back again