Most of these orphans (are) escorted Abortion was the misfortunate that fortunately wasn't for them They forge from the poorest families in upper Egypt Town of Menia Praying for all them Bedouins peddling tangerines up I've seen 'em at the cantina Rejoicing on the Messiah We're pouring more Aquafina into this kettle No faucets for water drinking These daughters is thinking 'bout Spending all of tomorrow without no sorrow In freedom, repeating– Can't say that name; it's a secret Can't say that name It's a secret They'll "David Blaine" you in Egypt Fill in the blank if you need him, though Don't say that name it's a secret, no May these blessings Fall on you Life! (I've been waiting my whole life) First breakfast with one of our brothers named Can't say that name it's a secret Oh... Well, a sobriquet he presented He told us, "Don't take no pictures!" His alias was his image Invisible was is visage It's critical 'cause his sibling got killed for religion A little bit ago back in Yemen And that hit'll go out to him But what's pitiful is I remember My ignorant supposition of scripture like: "That's the spirit of fear Yup, he's in fear..." Left hemisphere, this is wisdom (Um, if you didn't know.) Sometimes "On my 116" isn't about what you're spitting Or how well you deliver Or how loud you can cheer it Or spiritual vs. positive rhymes It's how you live it ...and how you listen Attempting to abstain from seeming "ashamed" So they're all caps-lock speakin' Screaming, can't even Hear the whispers of t