Those LEDs so warm and bright The clock was counting backwards A digital description of the service and the time That filled me full of promise as it bathed me in its light But I was soon to find that I'd been let down And betrayed by a screen that seemed so certain so serene And so defined It was sickening that feeling finding out Those LEDs had just been telling me a lie Something's not right It's another rainy Sunday night And I start to throw it all away As cushions fail to soften my decay When I need them And after days of daily grind It was the last thing that I needed I struggled to conceive that my lift home had gone awry And this I shared with an old lady sat down to my right hand side She was rolling both her eyes Over and over anti-clockwise and the way she seemed to surmise As she heaved a heavy sigh What will be will be and that it should be Plain to see that we just shouldn't be surprised (?) turns to red Can you please forget those things I said Well I've noticed The seasons, they start to change And never seem to learn from my mistakes when I need you I've got blood in my I've got blood in my eye I've got blood in my I've got blood in my eye I've got blood in my I've got blood in my eye I've got blood in my I've got blood in my eye