Hey Jane Watching over you in Nebraska The flood planes Move over the farms, a disaster The sun heats Air until it swirls in tornadoes But you move solemnly along She says You will be the consummate scholar And she says Do you know the world is your oyster? The man says Come and we will climb Mount Olympus But all you want is to be there, in the presence of her smile
In the presence of her smile In the presence of her smile ♪ We are Circling over clouds, we are tethered Wondering When you're gonna hit bumpy weather Your heart skips Every time you detect her fragrance She's out there Stinking up the late evening air with other boys
A plague on other boys How this feeling does annoy you A plague on other boys ♪ They say How can you know love, you're a minor And you say What else could I know, this defines me I start Growing, I'm a mess, I'm defeated My grade point average went to hell Watching Listening for a cultural movement Get strong Lenses to see into the future March on Washington if she's in the vanguard Base your Politics on what she's got written on a flag What she's written on a flag What she's written on a flag My body's mine and you're a drag What she's written on a flag What she's written on a flag People are good and walls are madness She wrote it on a flag Ten long years it took to shake the memory The pain, humiliation But then suddenly you realized You're free To fraternize again She got married, stayed in town and raised a home See her altar There's a roped up part of every human heart For the first one you love