While sitting at the station Waiting to wander a little more I wonder how she's doing Over on her shining, golden shore Her name comes up often We all know where she resides She's getting too greedy Her flag has too much pride As I sit here across the sea Living the dream In the middle of Italy I can't help but see her As the Holy Roman Empire She too must fall From her weathered high-wire Her beauty speaks volumes She's got mountains, Deserts, two oceans But she speaks too loudly And causes too much commotion Her first dream was so perfect To preserve the blessings of liberty Now her eyes glow with money She's got no regard For you or for me Soon Christmas will pass She'll give another false resolution She only gets fatter Wading in pollution As I sit here across the sea I'm scheming up How I can be free Her sad, sad story Only ends one way If you don't know her name It's Government U.S. of A.