When I was recording the In The Wilderness record, I spent a good amount of time in this cabin Up in Topanga Canyon just outside of Los Angeles. And there was this amazing moon that would, That would sort of climb the sky every day. And, and in the canyon, often, That was the only light that I Would see for a good portion of the night Because I was really out in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't really even see any other houses And I went into a session one day and I was like, I just want to talk about this, this crazy moon And we, I referenced, you know, Mamas & the Papas, California Dreamin' And a couple other sort of 60s inspired California songs That had a haunting aspect to them As much as a sort of a carefree association with the beach And that's what we were going for with Canyon Moon And I feel like on this record it did, in a lot of ways, Turn out not only to have that haunting element But really kind of paint that picture of Topanga Canyon And the feelings of escape that I think are associated with it from, You're not just now but all the way back to the, To the middle of the last century.