When I was 5, I wanted to be a Star Wars character I would bounce around the walls and use the force to control all Yoda would visit me and I would smile at him and then we'd defeat the Sith See, I didn't need anyone to play with because I was happy with myself The lightsabers, imaginary wars, and pretend heroism When I was 8, I wanted to be a soldier So I wrote stories about great adventures fighting a war And through my words, I soared high above burning landscapes And kept my people safe I mean, it didn't matter who I was fighting as long As I was fighting because that's what a hero did I wanted to be a hero, and I wanted to save everybody around me When I was 11, I wanted to be a comedian So I cracked jokes to pass the time and I wouldn't ever rhyme And I would force my parents to listen to the same jokes over And over, and over, and over, and over until it was told just right God I love them because they would laugh even after the thousandth time And I would smile and hug them as my heart grew full from the sound of their chuckles I mean, I just wanted to make them happy When I was 14, I wanted to be a mountain biker I wanted to zoom past hikers, discover new worlds, and find myself I longed for dirt paths leading to nowhere I yearned for a concrete jungle just waiting to be explored I wished to be isolated in nature with nothing but the trees around me And also with all of my friends I mean, I wanted to find myself while searching the woods for answers So I sit and I think to myself of everything I ever wanted to be And how no matter what how I feel that I will never be happy with, with just being me Because now instead of wanting to be a hero I desperately want someone to be a hero and save me from my own mind And instead of wanting to defeat the Sith I want to defeat the Darth Vadar that lives inside the Anakin Skywalker of my mind And to replace my want to be a soldier is a want To end my mental country and use bullets to do so And instead of wanting to tell jokes and make people laugh I just want them to hear me But they can't hear me over their laughter because I don't know how to breathe I don't know how to sing, I wish I knew how to sing Because maybe if it sounded pretty they would hear me Maybe if it formed a melody they would hear my plea but they won't Because now I want my mountain bike to crash I don't want to explore the dirt, I want to be buried in it I still want to find myself but I want to find it my way I don't want them telling me, directing me, instructing me Pulling the corners of my mouth up in a crooked smile like I'm a puppet and they're the masters I just want to find what I'm seeking after Because trust me, I still want to be a hero, and I still want to get the girl I just want to be remembered and I want to be sure That when I throw myself off this building like Superman waiting to fly That hopefully no one I love will shed too many tears and cry Because I just want to be a hero I dream to be a hero and when I don't grow up I want to be a hero