She said you're sad I said you're sad, and you're spilling everything I don't have to She said to be alone for a year She said that everyone will leave if I don't get it together Like nothing, like every fight I've ever heard, like love Like the lie that's sold and told again, like last weeks of lives The regrets that already bore me Every door that leads to better or for worse Like walls, the structural façade, like the waiting Always waiting for the next big thing to come Like the risk I always take, and I am told to take no risks And if that's the way I live my life I'll just end up like this Making midnight calls and offerings and breathless arguments The venom that I can produce, the holes I wear in all my shoes And I know we do this to ourselves, and I know how we all wind up I know that we're all worse for wondering The work our own hands can produce The better side of all bad news