It's the end of spring And light hangs on Dripping over geraniums And humming bird wings In the blaze of summer We'll tap our weapons out To the cadence of a melody They sang at Normandy It won't be The same the again And we'll just walk away It's the end We crossed on the ridge And cut their women down I climbed up on the minaret And occupied the town They scattered in the woods To gather up their strength Dripping blood on the road And oh how the animals looked on They all see how we've changed All the rules of the game I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides And it paralyzed me An eye for an eye Was a way to limit revenge We've done away with all of that Read how it all begins It was written years before, Same name, same war I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides I can see both sides And it paralyzed me Inside