You're gonna keep falling My darling But don't you cry You probably wish you could die The way that they treat you's Appalling They walk on by Whenever you need them they lie You showed them your feelings They pulled them apart They snort and then laugh at you for They ignore your kindness They stamp on your heart Shafted you right to the cor So why don't you kiss me Kiss me, kiss me and share? Why don't you kiss me and Show that you care? Why don't you kiss me Kiss me, kiss 'til I tear? Why don't you kiss me, Just kiss me right there? Kiss me right there You're gonna keep failing My darling They'll tell you why No matter how hard that you try The one whose approval You're craving Has rolled their eyes Sorry but babe it's bye-bye When chances came calling You gave it your best You offered your body and word Showed them your soul As you showed them the rest But you came up smelling of dirt So why don't you kiss me Kiss me, kiss till I bend? Why don't you kiss me Like more than a friend? Why don't you kiss me Kiss me, kiss 'til I cry? Why don't you kiss me 'Til I go cross-eyed? Why don't you kiss me 'Til I go cross-eyed?